The Mysterious Benedict Society Tv Series Review - Disney Plus
Reviewed by Andrea Hintz
Trenton Lee Stewart…it would be pretty amazing if you stumbled across this post while Googling the series reviews. So if you’re reading this, thank you!!! It’s an honor! I want to start this review off by telling the story of how I got into reading your amazing books in the first place.
Flashback to over a decade ago. I was a fifth grader - a voracious reader dealing with a bullying problem in school. Ok, so the bullying thing had been going on for quite sometime. And I was also smart for my age, which probably didn’t help (later on in life, I graduated high school at thirteen - but that’s a story for another time). I’m a complete bookworm, but it was rare for a book to become one of my “favorites.” There were just a handful of titles that held that prestigious title in my eyes at the time. My mom was a kindergarten teacher, and I was attending the same school she was teaching at.
And guess what? The book fair was in town. This time of year was always total Disneyland-like bliss for me. I’d had another tough day at school, so Mom went with me to browse the fair’s literary selection.
We started chatting with the librarian, a woman who knew me quite well from my frequent visits to her domain. I asked her for a new book recommendation. As though she’d been expecting me, she turned around, grabbed a copy of The Mysterious Benedict Society off the table, and put the giant paperback right into my hands. My eyes widened.
“It’s about really smart kids,” she said, giving me a smile.
I was in awe at how thick this book was. Seriously. Could I actually read it? But the cover with the sweet, illustrated characters and cozy looking home reassured me that this was a story meant for me.
Mom bought the book, along with a pile of horse posters that I’d eagerly requested, and off we went.
I started the book at home that night. The introduction to Reynie, an academically high, book loving kid who was being bullied by his peers…rather sucked me in. Huh…I wonder why? Haha. I…really wanted to know what would happen to a kid like this. And then I met Mr. Benedict, the man who noticed the boy when no one else did. He recognized his value and what he could contribute to the world. And for fans of the series, we all know that Reynie goes on to do amazing things that no kid can even fathom.
I went on to read this book while attending a school with a dark and sad reality. The bullying worsened and there were days I came home and cried. But this book was my escape. At night, I was devouring the story of a kid like me, who was pulled from that sad reality and shown that his skills were made for a greater purpose. That he was going to save the world alongside his close friends. And strangely enough, his friends became my friends too. Kate was my favorite at the time. She never let a single soul bother her and always had a solution. A wonderful role model for a young girl like me.
I kept the book close to my chest everywhere I went for the next couple of months. After school, I’d go with my mom to her teacher meetings. Some would take place in the school’s computer lab. So in between reading chapters, I would Google you and your books. I had to find more of your work. I also typed in “The Mysterious Benedict Society Movie,” searching for anything that would indicate whether this story would make it to the screen or not. I wanted so badly for your stories to come to life - to become a reality that I could see with my own eyes. At some point, I remember seeing that movie rights were being negotiated. I was THRILLED.
I went on to finish the entire book series through my early teen years, and then read them again and again. This series had officially won the prestigious title of being a “favorite.”
As more time went on, I never saw a movie or TV series being advertised. I would check Google again every so often, but there were no updates. It saddened me, because this series deserved to be on screen.
Then…I began to think it would never happen.
Flash-forward to present day. I’m in my twenties now. I grew up to become an author myself. There are no more bullies. Life is great. Through a series of life altering events, I’ve had a transformation quite similar to Reynie. My parents were my Mr. Benedict, pulling me from my bad school situation. And I thrived.
If you ever happen to read any of my author interviews on various blogs, you’ll see that I’ve listed The Mysterious Benedict Society as my favorite and most influential book series several times. Though my writing style is quite different from yours (I like yours much better) I learned a lot about friendships and heart from your stories.
One day, while hosting my own very first book signing, the bookstore I was at just so happened to be running a special on a boxed set of The Mysterious Benedict Society - right there on display in the center of the store. How about that for God sent messages? I smiled. I already had all of your books. But I took the cash from my own book sales and used it to purchase that boxed set before I left that day because…how could I not?
I suddenly had it in me to Google the film production status of the series again - something I hadn’t done in years. And to my ecstatic surprise…there it was. A series was indeed being PRODUCED. I texted my mom right away with a huge grin on my face.
Then, the day had arrived.
The afternoon I sat down to finally watch the series on Disney Plus, I didn’t know what to expect. I so badly wanted for it to stay true to the books.
Here we go.
I watched the intro credits and saw your name flash up, which gave me goosebumps.
All the years it took to get to this point.
As a reader, I was so happy. As an author, I grew quite emotional for you. And when Reynie entered Mr. Benedict’s library for the first time, and it looked the way I’d imagined it - cozy, filled to the brim with books, and a kind Mr. Benedict - I got tearful. All the prayers, hard work, and time it took to get the book series to my screen. I felt as proud of this achievement as though it were my own.
This story had finally been made a reality - something I could see.
So what did a huge fan like myself truly thing of the TV series?
First of all, the decision to make it a series vs a movie was the right choice. The book contains too much enthralling content to be squeezed into a two hour film. The cast is flawless, the aesthetic appeal is mesmerizing, the music sets the mood in the mysterious way I’d hoped for…and I’ll be very sad when the season ends. The greatest part is that I really feel that the production company stayed true to the story. The actors were saying lines directly from the books, and it made me smile every time. Though it had been years since I last read them, the show dug up memories I forgot I had, and it was like re-reading it for the very first time. What a great opportunity to re-live that special time in my life. And the fact that it’s Disney? Wow. Need I say more?
Thank you to everyone involved for getting this show on the road! You’ve officially fulfilled my childhood dreams.
The only thing I would change is that I wish it would’ve all happened sooner. I can’t imagine what the fifth-grade version of myself would’ve felt. But I’d rather have experienced this later on in life as opposed to never. It’s still a dream come true and I’m thankful.
Congratulations Trenton Lee Stewart on this incredible blessing from God. May He continue to bless you with many more exciting achievements! And if you ever want to stop by for an interview on this blog, the door is always open!
God bless,
Andrea Hintz