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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Hintz

Interview With Raven H. Price - Author

Today, we are interviewing Raven H. Price, an amazing Christian fiction author! Raven and I met years ago in the wonderful world of the online writing community. I've had the chance to read multiple titles of hers listed below, and they are always amazing. Raven Price has such a brilliant mind and conveys such a beautiful message in each story. I love the way her characters come to life and seem so real. I'm looking forward to reading many more books from this incredible author. I also wanted to give Raven a special shoutout, because she was the first person to ever interview me on her blog when I first became an author way back in the day, so this is an exciting opportunity for me to be able to have her featured on my website now! I'm also excited, because today's interview is faith filled, which brings joy to my heart as a Christian! Let's dive in!

Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?

I became a Christian Fiction Author in 2010 to inspire people through entertainment to trust in the power of God’s love. I've written 10 books: 5 fantasy/romance novels that have budding romances mixed with supernatural influences to show my readers the help we have on the other side of the veil, 2 kid chapter books with animals as the main characters and their relationship with Jesus, 2 short stories, and one inspirational. Paperbacks and e-books available with one (Convicted) in audio format.

What are you passionate about these days?

In 2019, I sensed something weird happening in our reality. After much soul searching, biblical studying, and prayer, I knew I needed to focus more on helping people stay calm and not let fear control them. As a 65 year-old Christian, I’ve learned one thing over the years; evil forces feed off of our fears and the more you allow fear to rule you instead of God’s love, the fears grow and manifest. Afterall, Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy and his best tool is making us self-destruct.

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?

I would love to see my trilogy (The Paradigm Shift Trilogy) made into movies.

Have you written any other books that are not published?

I am currently working on a fantasy novel that is a little dark. It’s called: Trapped In Bone. I hope to have it finished in 2021. Look for this cover.

What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

I only have one reference and that is the Bible. I use information I have learned about angels and demons mixed with romance, animals, etc…to make interesting storylines.

What do you think about the current publishing market?

The recent market has been slow. 2020 has been a challenging year for all sorts of businesses and creative ventures due to the virus scar and lockdown. There is much financial distress.

Advice they would give new authors?

Most authors are great story tellers who want to get points across. If you self-publish, edit the best you can, get others to help you and if possible, pay a professional to get everything grammatically correct for you. I write to inspire people, not to become a celebrity, but literary competitors love to publicly draw attention to your writing imperfections. This can make you a little hard-hearted. Don’t play the game, don’t get caught up in debates just react calmly. For example, I am having to do a few word edits in my last fantasy/romance because of this. I took the criticism as good advice, tried to see what they saw. Now, I’m doing the work to correct a few small errors. Just remember people can be mean…don’t allow them to hurt your feelings. Keep the peace.

Do you believe in writer’s block?

YES!!! I fell into this last year when I began writing Trapped In Bone. It’s when I noticed the change in earth’s energy and how people were responding. As a Christian, I realized that certain prophecies may be coming true and I had to stop and dig deeper into scripture. It completely stopped my writing. Everything I was wanting to say back om 2019 suddenly changed and I scrapped my story and began writing a new storyline that will hopefully undercover hidden secrets for my readers.

Could you list your books?

5 Fantasy/Romances: The Plan, a trilogy called the Paradigm Shift Trilogy (Convicted, Convinced and Commissioned), and Wisdom’s Song.

2 Kid Chapter Books: A Dog Named Derf and The Angel Who Was Turned Into A Cat – Alex With Attitude

2 Short Stories: Blinded By The Light and God’s DNA

1 Inspirational: Grains of Salt

Drop everything and buy her books here!

Make sure to follow her on social media as well!

Thank you so much for joining us today! God bless!

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